Friday, March 4, 2011

Earth Forms

(Geography and sociology)
A. Diversity And Earth Formation Process
If the continent was photographed up close, it becomes apparent that the uneven surface of the continent. On the surface of the earth, there is a protruding upward to form mountains, mountains, plateaus, hills, and so on. The concave part can be a gorge, valley, lakes, rivers, swamps, and so forth. Appearance of high and low relief of the earth is called earth.

Appearance of the face of the earth is not formed by itself. Its existence is like this now through a long process with a long time. At that time, new crust is formed. Earth has a composition similar round eggs. Yolk represents the core of the earth (core / barisfer), egg white represents the envelope of the earth (mantle), and the shell represents the earth's crust (crust). This scale develops during arkeozoikum, about 4.5 billion years ago.

In the solid crust and hard, stick to the mantle of the earth containing mineral silicium and aluminum (also called layers of bad luck). While the layer beneath it containing mineral silicium and magnesium (also called sima layer). The core material in the form of nickel iron (nife). Are fluid and very hot in the outer layer. Temperatures are extremely hot (above 3.000° C) and strong pressure to make the core of the earth is always turbulent. Turbulence raises the all-powerful force that pressing molten rock at the time of sheath driven out into the earth's surface and eventually form earth.

Power comes from within the earth is called endogenous labor. While the endogenous energy work, which had formed the earth will be changed by force from outside the earth is called exogenous energy. These are the two power plays in the face of the earth. The following describes both the shape of the face of the earth and the resulting landscape.

1. Power Endogen
Huge power of the earth can be influential in shaping the diversity of the earth's surface. Energy from the earth it is called endogenous energy and constructive manner. Endogenous Power is the force that encourages the movement of the earth's crust. The presence of endogenous can cause a shift in the earth's crust. The shift will make the crust of the earth surface convex, such as mountains or volcanoes, and the concave shape, such as sea and lake. The earth's crust consists of two kinds, namely the continental crust and oceanic crust. Continental crust, including crustal continental Europe and Asia or so-called Eurasian, African continent crust, the crust of the North American continent, and the crust of the South American Continent. Ocean crust, including the Indian Ocean crust, the crust of the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean crust. Power from the earth can be divided into three namely tektonisme, volcanism, and earthquakes (seisme).  

2. Power Exogenous
Workers from outside the earth, among others come from rain, hot sun, wind, stream, water, and glacier sliding and energy of living things is called exogenous. Power exogenous change the shape of the earth's surface can be perforated, hilly and other forms. These exogenous destructive power. The process of destruction caused by exogenous force can be divided into several parts, namely weathering, erosion, and sedimentation. 

3. Diversity Shape Earth
Broadly speaking, the shape of the earth is divided into two, namely land landform and seabed.
Earth form in Mainland
Various kinds of  landform on the mainland, among others, as follows.
a. Low and high plains
b. Depression continental
c. Plato
d. Mountains and mountains
e. Valley
f. Delta
g. Meanders
Earth form in Seabed
Various kinds of  landform seabed, among others, as follows.
a. Beach
b. Shelf / shallow / continental shelf
c. Threshold sea
d. Sea Ridge
e. Sea Mountain
f. Estuarium
g. Depths of the sea / bekken
h. Sea or trog trough
i. Coral Island / island reefs (Coral)

4. Relief in Indonesia
In geologies, relief in Indonesia is divided into three, namely as follows.
a. Shallow Sunda (
western Indonesia)
b. Sahul shoal Area (Eastern Indonesia)
c. Mediterranean Region Austral-Asiatis (Indonesia Region Central)

5. Earth Form Linkages with Economic Activity Population
The condition of the earth's surface in an area can affect the economic activity population. In the coastal plains region, economic activity population most of whom work in the field of fisheries. For example, as a fisherman, fish farmers, farmer salt. In the fertile lowland area, the population is very varied economic activities. There are cultivating rice fields, gardens or dry, but there is also a trade,
breeding or in services. Highland areas, the population of economic activity among others working on the fields, the fields or dry well in the area of plantation and forestry. In high mountain areas, economic activities, especially farming population vegetables or fruits.

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